Call to Action


To stabilise Earth’s climate, preserve biodiversity and ensure the well-being and survival of future generations, human activity must become net CO2 neutral by 2030.

In order to avoid surpassing 1,5°C above the preindustrial temperatures by 2100 and to avoid the irreversibility of climate change and apocalyptic scenarios, we should become net CO2-eq neutral before 2030 and remove from the atmosphere before 2100 enough CO2 to reach 350 PPM of CO2-eq (SWE open letter to Boris Johnson; SWE open letter to PMs Boris Johnson and Mario Draghi);

Since the majority of the population of the world is in favour of abandoning fossil fuels by 2030 and is in favour of an immediate introduction of a carbon tax for offsetting all the current CO2 emissions (Opinion Polls Summary):

A) We call on national and local governments and legislators to:

1) set policies to make their nations and cities net CO2-eq neutral ideally before 2030, including implementing a carbon tax for reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions;

2) remove from the atmosphere the amount of carbon needed to bring us back to the level of 350 PPM of CO2-eq before 2100.

B) We call on individual citizens to:

1) abandon fossil fuels wherever economically possible (e.g. transportation, heating, energy), reduce their carbon emissions and offset immediately their residual carbon emissions through trusted programmes;

2) vote for the politicians with public commitment to turn their nations and cities net carbon neutral by 2030;

3) invest only in companies with published strategies / action plans committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

C) We call on businesses to:

1) Become carbon neutral by 2030.